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Leslie-Ann Boisselle



Many people have asked me:- How did you get into photography? What inspires you?


Well it has been difficult to put into words exactly what attracted me to photography. I used to use a Canon 200 ixS camera and when I saw the images I was able to capture, I said to myself "hmmmm, I could get to like this."


So for my birthday I splurged and bought myself a Nikon D5200  and I have not had one regret since.   Currently I use the automatic settings on my camera which is serving me really well for now. 


I hope in the very near future to take a course to really learn the ins and outs of the camera so that I can get exactly the shot I want - if you know what I mean. 


Hoping to save up and buy a new lens soon.  So excited about the prospects of what more I will be able to do.


The other "high" I get off of doing photography is sharing my work with others and seeing and hearing their reactions to my work. It gives me a sense of pride, accomplishment and humility that I am able to evoke emotions in those who see my work.


I do hope that you will continue to follow me as I take this wondrous journey forward.


Just wanted to leave you with an article which I think encapsulates reasons why photography is such a great pasttime.  It's called "54 reasons why you should be a photographer".  It surely puts into words a lot of what I feel.




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